صدر الدجاج افضل من بقية اجزاء الدجاج لسبب بسيط انه اقل سعرات واكثر بروتين واقل دهون وكلاهما صفر كاربوهيدارت الغذاء المفضل والافضل لبناء الاجسام هو صدر الدجاج لكن بأمكانك تناول اجزاء الدجاجة الاخرى اثناء الاوف سيزن او الbulking من اجل مزيد من الكتلة والوزن والسعرات ولكن اثناء التنشيف لاتأكل سوى الصدر Food Picks: White vs. Dark Chicken Meat Chicken Breast (8 oz.) 231 calories43 g protein5 g fat0 g carbs1.5 g saturated fats Benefits: A very low-calorie source of protein Disadvantages: Can be a little dry, a little boring Dark Chicken Meat (8 oz.) (leg and thigh) 287 calories38 g protein14 g fats0 g carbs3.7 g saturated fats Benefits: Some find the moist texture more palatable than breast meat. Disadvantages: About 45% of the calories come from dietary fats. Chicken breast is likely the #1 food in most bodybuilders’ nutrition plan, but is it the best food option? How does it compare to “fatty” dark meat, which many bodybuilders shun? MMI compared 8 ounces of roasted, skinless versions of white and dark chicken meat. Here are some of the facts we considered before reaching our conclusion: • White and dark meat contain nearly equal ratios of saturated to healthy fat. Both have good ratios, deriving about 70 percent from healthy fats. • Dark meat has more than double the fats (both healthy and saturated) of breast meat. However, saturated fats provide raw materials to help increase crucial hormones such as testosterone. • Dark meat derives about 50% of its calories from protein; white meat derives about 75%. When you want more protein on a restricted-calorie diet, breast meat is the clear winner; when you want more calories from a food that’s more than 50% protein (and almost 50% fats), opt for dark meat. When you want to strike a balance, mix breast and dark meat. Winner: Chicken breast ahmed
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